• Herzu ISO Certified
  • Herzu GMP Certified
  • Herzu Certified for Toxin Free and Chemical Free
  • Herzu certified for rash Free, chemicals free

  • Empathising with women during their periods

    How can men help women during their Menstruatio...

    Understanding and supporting women in their menstrual cycle is an act of kindness and also a fundamental step towards a better and empathetic society

    How can men help women during their Menstruatio...

    Understanding and supporting women in their menstrual cycle is an act of kindness and also a fundamental step towards a better and empathetic society

  • Period Friendly Packaging

    A period friendly packaging

    Period-friendly packaging for sanitary napkins is specifically designed to be convenient, hygienic, and environmentally friendly for the women who menstruate. It aims to enhance the overall experience and well-being during...

    A period friendly packaging

    Period-friendly packaging for sanitary napkins is specifically designed to be convenient, hygienic, and environmentally friendly for the women who menstruate. It aims to enhance the overall experience and well-being during...

  • Puberty - a transition to womanhood

    Blooming into Womanhood: Navigating First Perio...

    Every woman, I believe, is unprepared for her first period and is often unaware of the changes occurring in her body. Signs such as body hair and breast development provide...

    Blooming into Womanhood: Navigating First Perio...

    Every woman, I believe, is unprepared for her first period and is often unaware of the changes occurring in her body. Signs such as body hair and breast development provide...

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  • Empathize and Redefine

  • You, in our Heart

  • All ears for You

  • Standing for Trust