Period Education for Boys

As a Boy, this is How I came to Know About Periods?

It was the year 2020, and I had just finished my board exams with good grades, entering into the new world of college for my graduation. I made new friends, and one of them was Aana. She was kind and smart, and we enjoyed spending time together.

One evening, I noticed she was acting differently, spending more time in the bathroom than usual and seeming a bit down. Concerned, I approached her to ask what was happening. She took me aside and explained that she was on her period, which is a normal part of growing up for girls. Aana described the basics of the menstrual cycle, how it occurs monthly, and signifies a girl’s body maturing.

I was curious to know more about this natural process, and I also felt for her, understanding that it could be a significant and sometimes tough part of her life. I asked if I could do anything to help her feel better in her periods, and she said she could manage it on her own. However, being a close friend, I could tell she was having a tough time. When I got home, I decided to learn more about the menstrual cycle.

I discovered that menstruation is a natural process that all women go through. I also learned about the different phases of the menstrual cycle and the symptoms women experience. Once I felt more comfortable with my knowledge, I talked to Aana about what I had learned about menstruation cycle. She appreciated my interest and answered all my questions related to periods.

From then on, I tried my best to be a caring and understanding friend. I offered her my chocolates, made her tea, and simply lent her a listening ear and emotional support when she needed it. This experience not only helped me to become more informed but also a more compassionate person.

As the time went on, our friendship grew stronger, and I continued to support Aana specially during her periods. I realized that understanding and empathy are vital in all relationships, and being there for her in this aspect of her life was a way to show how much I cared.

Understanding more about this natural process made me feel more connected to the people around me. These experiences taught me that every small act of kindness and support can make a big difference. For me, it shaped me into a more caring and thoughtful person.

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