In our Indian culture, there is an inclination towards Ayurveda than Western medicines and practices. This is due to the perception of our mind that Western medicines cause many harmful side effects. Ayurveda is deeply rooted in our culture and tradition and has influenced our belief in medicine and health practices and is viewed as an effective way of treating diseases with no side effects.
What is the concept of Ayurveda?
The word ‘Ayurveda’ literally means the knowledge of life and longevity. Ayurveda puts forward a theory that all ailments in our body are the result of imbalance between our body’s energy and the elements of nature, such as air and water etc. Ayurveda provides a conceptual framework and explanation of how diseases are formed, their causes, and symptoms based on doshas or three humours, namely Pitta, Vata, and Kapha. These doshas are formed by combination of two or more elements. Ayurveda uses naturally occurring plants and herbs for treating the diseases.
What is the Ayurveda approach on Menstrual cycle or Period?

In the Ayurvedic world, menstrual cycle is believed to be a monthly cleansing cycle during which a woman’s body detoxifies, allowing them to renew their bodies. Ayurveda links the period with the Vata dosha, an element that is a combination of air and space. The Vata dosha affects the flow of blood and governs various bodily movements.
Ayurveda also believes that the menstrual cycle is aligned with the movement and energy of the moon. Ayurveda explains the menstrual cycle in relation to the doshas. Ayurveda says that Kapha (water and earth) is responsible for the beginning of the menstrual cycle. And when Kapha rises in the body, it leads to symptoms like bloating, a feeling of heaviness etc. An imbalance in Kapha can result in a thick menstrual flow or heavy periods with mucus and clots, leading to body ache, yeast infections etc.
During ovulation, the pitta dosha (fire and water) becomes prominent. This dosha is responsible for metabolism and regulating heat in the body and hence, there is heavy bleeding and a feeling of heat around the menstrual cycle. Women may experience anger, irritability, and strong cravings during this menstrual phase.
Menstruation phase is caused by Vata, which initiates a new cleansing process. An increase in Vata can lead to elimination and the excretion of toxins. Imbalance of Vata can make one experience pain in the lower back, constipation, bloating, and have PMS (Premenstrual syndrome) with anxiety and insomnia.
According to Ayurveda, it is important to maintain a balance between these doshas to prevent serious illnesses and infections in our body. Ayurveda also recommends maintaining the temperature of the upper and lower body during the period or menstruation to ensure a normal flow. This is why, according to Ayurveda, it is not recommended to wash hair during the period.