Everyone has their own unique story of experiencing something for the first time in their lives, and for women, one of those unforgettable moments is when they first encounter their period. Every woman goes through this, and some have funny stories to tell, while others have nightmare about their first menstruation.
I, too, have my own story about my first experience with menstruation. I still remember it was mid-February when I got my first period. I was clueless about all the signs and symptoms I was experiencing at that time and wasn’t expecting it to happen anytime soon.
One day, after a bath, I noticed a blood stain on my underwear. At that moment, I knew that this was it. I was mentally prepared and navigating it was not as difficult, as my first period was quite light with no menstrual cramps. However, in subsequent cycles, I had to deal with leaks during the night and even during school hours.
I became very conscious of who I sat with in class because I was afraid of period leaks. I also had to endure a lot of embarrassing situations such as experiencing leaks while riding my bicycle and not realizing it until few boys started commenting on it.
I’ve also witnessed many of my friends having to adhere to various traditions and norms during their first period. Some had to participate in ceremonies to celebrate this transition, while others had to sleep on the floor or be isolated away from their homes.
Different experiences of girls during their first Period

Almost all girls had incredibly embarrassing situations during their first period because not many girls were informed about period. They would suddenly get their period in the middle of a school class, with blood stains appearing on their skirts. Everyone in the classroom would stare, teachers would feel awkward not knowing what to say, and male classmates would wonder if she had a disease or was ill. Meanwhile, the girl would panic, not knowing what was happening to her.
Others woke up to find blood on their beds, leading to tears and frantic parents rushing to assist. Fathers often felt distant, viewing it as solely a ‘women’s issue.’ These girls would confide in their friends, who would, in turn, spread the news, sometimes leading to bullying. There were also cases of girls playing with friends when their period started suddenly, causing them to think they were sick or that something was wrong.
Some girls were fortunate enough to have accurate expectations and knowledge about menstruation. They had to wade through myths and misconceptions passed down by their elders, which often caused unnecessary fear and strange rituals until they learned the truth.
What are the indications that a girl is about to start her period?
Every woman, I believe, is unprepared for her first period and is often unaware of the changes occurring in her body. Even when she anticipates her first period, predicting its exact arrival is challenging. Signs such as body hair and breast development provide a hint that menstruation may be approaching and also about a week before her period begins, she might experience symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea, cramps in her lower back and abdomen, mood swings, and even acne.
To ensure that little girls have good experience during their first period, it is our duty as parents and elders to educate the young women in our lives about what to expect, how to manage their periods, and stay safe during period.