Face your first periods with confidence

First Periods? Face with Confidence!

I was in 6th grade when my mother discussed periods the very first time with me. She was assisting me with bathing, I remember we used immersion heaters(boilers as we used to call them) that were placed in the bucket to warm up the water then.

At first, I didn’t take it seriously and laughed it off, but I became attentive when my mother told me to listen closely. She shared her struggles with menstruation during her time, explaining how no one had informed her about it, the challenges she faced during her first period, and the taboo that surrounded discussing it.

We are fortunate to live in a time where this stigma is gradually being dismantled.

Girl’s first period is called Menarche which means First Menstrual Period in a female adolescent. Menstruation is a natural and important part of the female reproductive cycle. Periods are a natural part of growing up and its important for young girls to feel confident. Some tips to alleviate discomfort during your periods.

  1. Period Pain is normal. You can experience cramps, back pain, headache or mood changes just before or during the periods. Talk to your Parents or trusted family members for suggestions. Naps, short walks, using hot water bottle, drinking lots of water can help ease out the pain.
  2. Period Stains are nothing to be ashamed of. We have experienced it too. You can take help from teachers, trusted friends or adult women around.
  3. Period Kit Buy a period kit or make one of your own. It should have some pads which are right for your flow, some panty liners, a panty, a small bag to place your stained panty and a sanitizer.
  4. Educate Yourself Educate yourself about Menstruation cycles, you must know how’s and why’s of this topic.
  5. Track your Cycle Get access to the Apps that can help track your cycles. You can find some apps on the below link: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/320758#fitr
  6. Eat Healthy Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables. Omega 3, Protein, Iron and Calcium rich diets will help with pain reduction. Keep yourself hydrated.
  7. Emotional Support It is normal to feel emotional during your periods. Talk to friends, your parents or trusted members about your feeling. Watch movies or read books or do anything which make you feel good. Be kind to yourself, listen to your body and take breaks when you want to.
  8. Maintain a good Hygiene Change your pads regularly. Wash your hands before and after.
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