Gentle Moves to Ease Period Cramps

Gentle Moves to Ease Period Cramps

As someone managing PCOD, the first days of my period bring intense pain, nausea, and fatigue. While remedies like ginger tea, dark chocolate, and a heat pad offer some relief, I’ve discovered that incorporating a few gentle stretches into my routine helps to ease my symptoms and brings much — needed comfort.

Gentle stretches have made a world of difference for me. They ease the pain, improve blood flow, and bring instant comfort. Here are my favourite stretches and how they help:

1.A person in Child’s Pose 2. A person in standing forward bend pose

1. Child’s Pose

This calming stretch is my go-to when the pain feels overwhelming. It relaxes your lower back, hips, and pelvis — areas that tend to tighten up during periods. Child’s Pose also helps me feel grounded and reduces stress while giving me a moment to breathe during the discomfort.

2. Uttanasana (Standing Forward Fold)

Uttanasana stretches the hamstrings and lower back, increasing blood flow to the pelvis. This helps relieve cramps and release tension. I often stay in this pose for a minute, letting my body gently relax into the stretch.

3. A person seated in Butterfly Pose 4.A person transitioning between the Cat-Cow Pose

3. Cat-Cow Pose

This dynamic movement works wonders for my lower back and abdomen. The gentle flow between arching and rounding my spine soothes cramps, improves circulation, and even reduces bloating. It’s also a great way to instil some light movement on days when I feel sluggish.

4. Butterfly Pose

Butterfly Pose opens up the hips and releases tension in the pelvic region. I find it incredibly relaxing and therapeutic, especially when I hold it for a few deep breaths. It’s perfect for reconnecting with my body and letting go of tightness.

These poses aren’t just about physical relief — they bring a sense of calm and mindfulness during a challenging time. They improve blood flow, ease muscle tension, and help me feel more in control of my body. On days when I feel stuck in bed, these stretches are a gentle way to bring movement and relief.

If you’re struggling with period pain, give these stretches a try. They might just become your new favourite remedy, as they have for me.

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