Herzu Story - Breaking Period Taboos

Herzu Story!!

When I was in 6th grade, my mother talked to me about periods and their significance. However, she didn’t mention the stigma that often surrounds them. So, one evening, when we had guests over for dinner and were watching TV, a commercial about periods came on. Excitedly, I called out to my mom, asking if this was what she had been explaining to me the other day. She looked at me in shock, raised her eyebrows, and gave a small shake of her head, signalling “No”. In that moment, I understood.

That incident has stayed with me ever since, and it continues to trouble me. Why is it that we can openly discuss bodily functions like excretion and urination, but not menstruation? It’s such a beautiful and natural process that should be celebrated and respected, not shrouded in shame or secrecy. It baffles me that on one hand, we consider menstruation a blessing, a symbol of fertility and life, yet on the other hand, we fail to treat it with the respect and dignity it deserves.

I always harboured the desire to create change, but life often dictates its own pace. This thought stayed with me as I immersed myself in the bustling world of IT. My husband launched his own business in 2011, and my focus shifted to supporting my family, a commitment that took precedence over everything else. I spent 17 rewarding years in IT, and this March, I decided it was time to pivot and fulfil my longstanding dream of giving back to society.

While exploring potential avenues for my work, I stumbled upon the topic of feminine hygiene. It was like stepping back into my childhood, revisiting those moments of confusion and the hushed whispers that surrounded menstruation. I knew, without a doubt, that this was the space where I could make a difference.

I remembered the fear and anxiety that girls often felt during school and college days if they got their periods unexpectedly. The cruel jokes, often from other women, that made an already challenging situation even harder to bear. The uncomfortable hostel experiences with improper pad disposal. And of course, the consensus among women that those five days each month were the most dreaded.

But beyond all this, it was the discomfort, the skin irritations and rashes, that truly made the menstrual experience unbearable for many. So, I asked myself, “How can we make the period experience seamless for women?”

That question marked the birth of Herzu, named after ‘Her Life’ in the Kashmiri language. Herzu stands as a testament to my journey from tech to social entrepreneurship and my unwavering commitment to uplifting the lives of women across the globe.

Every product we create at Herzu is infused with this journey — a journey that is not just mine, but one that resonates with the stories of millions of women who inspire me to strive for better, to aim for higher. Herzu is more than a brand; it’s a movement, a community, and a promise to honour ‘Her Life’ in all its beautiful forms.

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