Women during menstruation have to go through difficult phase as they have to endure discomfort and symptoms like mood swings and cramps. In addition to all of these symptoms, women are also more prone to infection, especially fungal and bacterial infection and there are few women who experience fungal infections every menstrual cycle, causing severe irritation and itching. As a result, it is important to understand and be aware of these infections in order to prevent them from occurring.
What is a period fungal infection?

A period fungal infection is caused by an overgrowth of yeast known as Candida albicans. This overgrowth of the fungus tends to occur in each menstrual cycle and results in burning and itching of the vulva or vagina or both. This condition of having fungal infection during every period is known as cyclic vulvovaginitis. The conditions can become chronic if not treated properly and it affects all women who menstruate and usually subsides after menopause.
What causes period fungal infections?

Period fungal infection is caused by hormonal fluctuations that occur during menstruation or period, resulting from increase in estrogen production in the body. The increase in estrogen level promotes the overgrowth of Candida in the vagina by disrupting the favourable condition for the Lactobacillus bacteria that usually keep this fungus in check.
The other secondary factors that can aggravate this infection include excessive antibiotic use, which can kill off Lactobacillus, as well as unhygienic habits like infrequent bathing or pad changes during menstruation or period, and the use of sanitary pads made from non-breathable material.
How to tell if you have yeast infection while on period?
The symptoms of period fungal infection include intense burning, irritation, stinging, or itching just before or during menstrual bleeding (the luteal phase). Other possible symptoms may involve redness and swelling of the vulva, pain in or around the vagina, thick white vaginal discharge that may resemble cottage cheese, burning during urination, and discomfort or a burning sensation during intercourse.
How is a period yeast infection diagnosed?
Pelvic examination is performed when there is severe itching and pain. The samples of discharge are also sent for microscopic examination to test for yeast cells. Vaginal swabs and scrapings are also taken for culturing yeast. A health provider can also diagnose the condition based on reported symptoms, in case of itching without severe symptoms.
What is the treatment for a period fungal infection?
The common treatment consists of a topical antifungal medication to be applied to the skin in the form of a cream, solution, lotion, powder, gel, spray, or lacquer for the skin surface. In addition, oral fluconazole and other medications applied inside the vagina, such as boric acid, nystatin, or flucytosine, may be prescribed.
How long does it take to cure a period fungal infection?
Treatment may continue for several months, even after the symptoms have subsided.
What are the complications of a period fungal infection?
The complication of period fungal infection can lead to severe pelvic inflammation, secondary irritant contact dermatitis, a reduced quality of life, and recurrent pain at the entrance to the vagina. These issues occur only when the infection is not treated at an early stage.
Who is more likely to get period fungal infections?
Individuals with low immunity, hormonal imbalances, and underlying diseases like HIV and diabetes are more vulnerable to these infections.
Home remedies for period fungal infection
Food that are rich in probiotic such as kimchi, yogurt, or kombucha can support the good bacteria that control yeast overgrowth. One can also take probiotic supplements.
How to avoid yeast infection after period?
To prevent these infections, avoid wearing nylon underwear and tight-fitting clothes that can cause sweating and restrict air circulation. Instead choose cotton underwear. Change your pads and underwear on a regular basis. Use a non-soap cleanser for intimate areas, maintain a balanced diet with plenty of greens and fruits while avoiding sugary and processed foods. Avoid scented products that can cause irritation and wash your intimate areas with lukewarm water and also try switching to sanitary pads with breathable top and bottom layers.
When should you consult a doctor for yeast infection?
If you notice yellow discharge with a foul smell or experience a burning or itching sensation in the vaginal area, it is advisable to consult a doctor.