Herzu Voices

PCOD and PCOS - Natural Remedies

PCOD and PCOS: Tips for Controlling Them with N...

Anupama Bhat

PCOD (Polycystic ovary disease) and PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome) are common medical conditions affecting many women. These conditions are caused by hormonal imbalance in our bodies, which can be a...

PCOD and PCOS: Tips for Controlling Them with N...

Anupama Bhat

PCOD (Polycystic ovary disease) and PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome) are common medical conditions affecting many women. These conditions are caused by hormonal imbalance in our bodies, which can be a...

Handling Periods in the Past

How did the girls handle periods in the past?

Anupama Bhat

Due to unhygienic menstrual practices and Menstrual taboos, women in the past experienced rashes, itchiness, yeast infections, urinary tract infections, which could lead to kidney problems and cysts around intimate...

How did the girls handle periods in the past?

Anupama Bhat

Due to unhygienic menstrual practices and Menstrual taboos, women in the past experienced rashes, itchiness, yeast infections, urinary tract infections, which could lead to kidney problems and cysts around intimate...

PCOS - Causes and Cure

PCOS: What You Need to Know

Anupama Bhat

PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome) is a metabolic disorder triggered by the overproduction of male hormones in the female body, such as androgen or testosterone. This hormonal imbalance can lead to complications...

PCOS: What You Need to Know

Anupama Bhat

PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome) is a metabolic disorder triggered by the overproduction of male hormones in the female body, such as androgen or testosterone. This hormonal imbalance can lead to complications...

Should you wash hair during periods

Should you Wash your Hair during your Period?

Anupama Bhat

Whether you choose to wash your hair or not during your period is purely a personal choice. If you don’t experience any changes in your period, you can continue as...

Should you Wash your Hair during your Period?

Anupama Bhat

Whether you choose to wash your hair or not during your period is purely a personal choice. If you don’t experience any changes in your period, you can continue as...

Menstrual Taboos in India

Menstrual Taboos in India

Anupama Bhat

India is bound by customs and traditions, and superstitions are an integral part of it. As a result, various taboos and myths come along with these traditions. Most of these...

Menstrual Taboos in India

Anupama Bhat

India is bound by customs and traditions, and superstitions are an integral part of it. As a result, various taboos and myths come along with these traditions. Most of these...

Different Period Flows in Women, what is the cause?

Why do Women Have Different Period Flows?

Anupama Bhat

Female bodies differ significantly from one another, and not everyone experiences the same menstrual flow. Hormones and genetics play a vital role in determining the length and intensity of periods,...

Why do Women Have Different Period Flows?

Anupama Bhat

Female bodies differ significantly from one another, and not everyone experiences the same menstrual flow. Hormones and genetics play a vital role in determining the length and intensity of periods,...