Herzu Voices

How Packaging is Important in Sanitary Napkin

How Packaging is Important in Sanitary Napkin

Anupama Bhat

Packaging of sanitary pads should be designed to be functional and hygienic, ensuring that it does not make women feel uneasy when purchasing the product. It should take into account the...

How Packaging is Important in Sanitary Napkin

Anupama Bhat

Packaging of sanitary pads should be designed to be functional and hygienic, ensuring that it does not make women feel uneasy when purchasing the product. It should take into account the...

Support women during periods

Period Positivity: Supporting Women, the Right Way

Anupama Bhat

All women need is your support, and some gentle and caring words during their Menstrual days. Sometimes just showing a kind gesture like making a tea or coffee for them...

Period Positivity: Supporting Women, the Right Way

Anupama Bhat

All women need is your support, and some gentle and caring words during their Menstrual days. Sometimes just showing a kind gesture like making a tea or coffee for them...

Period Fungal Infections - Causes and Cure

Itching to Know: All About Period Fungal Infect...

Anupama Bhat

Women during menstruation have to go through difficult phase as they have to endure discomfort and symptoms like mood swings and cramps. In addition to all of these symptoms, women...

Itching to Know: All About Period Fungal Infect...

Anupama Bhat

Women during menstruation have to go through difficult phase as they have to endure discomfort and symptoms like mood swings and cramps. In addition to all of these symptoms, women...

Feeling Low on Periods

Why do We Feel Low on Period?

Anupama Bhat

While feeling depressed is indeed a common experience for many women during their menstrual cycles, it is essential to recognize that it’s a normal part of the reproductive process. Being...

Why do We Feel Low on Period?

Anupama Bhat

While feeling depressed is indeed a common experience for many women during their menstrual cycles, it is essential to recognize that it’s a normal part of the reproductive process. Being...

Create Period Calendar

Keep a Tab on Your Period: Create Calendar

Anupama Bhat

Having a period can be stressful but what makes it even worse is not being able to track our period dates and prepare ourselves. Knowing when our period will arrive...

Keep a Tab on Your Period: Create Calendar

Anupama Bhat

Having a period can be stressful but what makes it even worse is not being able to track our period dates and prepare ourselves. Knowing when our period will arrive...

Period Kit Importance for Teenagers

Why is Period Kit Essential for Teenagers?

Anupama Bhat

An ideal period kit should contain sanitary pads, extra underwear, a menstrual guide booklet, sanitizer, cramp pads, and something to lift her mood, like chocolates for emotional support.

Why is Period Kit Essential for Teenagers?

Anupama Bhat

An ideal period kit should contain sanitary pads, extra underwear, a menstrual guide booklet, sanitizer, cramp pads, and something to lift her mood, like chocolates for emotional support.